All across the nation, Bob Marley t-shirts are making a huge comeback into popular culture. The latest craze has high…
School administration
Things to Do on the Internet When You’re Bored
Internet of Things (IoT) basically refers to internetworking and interconnection of computing devices, machines, objects, that are usually embedded with…
Professional Development Planning For Your Teaching Staff – A Guide for a New Head of Department
Part of your role as Head of a Subject Department is to develop your staff individually, as a group as…
The Shame of the Nation: A Summary, and Analysis
Jonathan Kosol’s interest for teaching profession and activism was triggered after the killing of three young civil rights activists in…
School Violence
June of 2002, I pledged to help lead and walk beside those that want safe schools and better communities for…
Special Education Inclusion
Special education inclusion signifies the participation of special education students in regular education classrooms and provision of support services to…
Teacher Factors That Contribute To Poor Performance In English Language In Kenya
Kenya is a country in east Africa. It is a multilingual state recognizing the presence of English, Kiswahili and ethnic…
The Advantages of a Textbook Hire Scheme
In the mid twentieth century, most high schools had a general purpose fee designed to cover extras for student use…
Record Keeping In Schools
Over the years, Nigerian school administrators, especially, the lslamiyyah schools had paid Lip services to the proper keeping of records.…
The Purpose And Benefits Of School Entrance Examinations
Acquiring for a formal education has become an integral part of our existence long before the establishment of colleges and…